Transnational Services Inc.

Transnational Services Inc.

Company Type
Private Agency

About Company

In today’s globalized world, the demand for quality labor has significantly increased, especially in overseas projects and development programs. TRANSNATIONAL SERVICES, INC. (TSI) emerges as a reputable and duly licensed recruitment agency that continuously caters to the needs of clients by providing top-notch manpower solutions. With a focus on excellence and a commitment to delivering assessed and auspicious services, TSI has established itself as a trusted partner for both employers and workers.

Building an Extensive Manpower Reserve

One of TSI’s core strengths lies in its extensive pool of manpower reserve. This reserve serves as a valuable resource from which human resource requirements can be met efficiently. TSI strategically manages this reserve, ensuring a steady supply of competent staff for its client companies. With a team of experts and a dynamic operational system, TSI can swiftly respond to the demands of the industry.

Selecting Competent Staff: A Priority for TSI

TSI places great importance on selecting physically and mentally able individuals who possess the necessary competencies for their respective roles. To ensure the suitability of candidates, TSI conducts extensive orientations and meticulously documents travel papers before deploying them to overseas worksites. However, TSI’s commitment to its clients extends beyond recruitment. The agency assumes full responsibility throughout the duration of the employment contract, ensuring a seamless experience for both employers and workers.

Comprehensive Services for Employers and Workers

TSI goes above and beyond to provide comprehensive services to employers and workers alike. The agency actively assists and facilitates the re-processing of documents and other travel requirements of the Philippine government agencies for “BALIK MANGGAGAWA WORKERS.” These workers may be on vacation leave and returning to their respective employers or have renewed employment contracts with the same employer. TSI also offers communication facilities for employers and their Filipino workers, helping to streamline coordination. Additionally, TSI assists with passport renewal and provides support for re-booking and ticketing arrangements.

TSI: Doing-Recruitment-Right

With its commitment to quality and excellence, TSI has established itself as a recruitment agency that prioritizes doing recruitment right. By adhering to rigorous selection processes, providing extensive support services, and ensuring continuous responsibility throughout the contract period, TSI sets the standard for effective and ethical recruitment practices.

Affiliation with Philippine Association of Services Exporters, Inc. (PASEI)

TSI proudly maintains its affiliation with the Philippine Association of Services Exporters, Inc. (PASEI). This affiliation demonstrates TSI’s commitment to upholding industry standards, fostering collaboration, and promoting the welfare of both employers and workers.

TSI: Comprehensive Manpower Assistance

TRANSNATIONAL SERVICES, INC. offers a wide range of manpower assistance, catering to diverse needs across various industries. The agency provides assistance for managerial, supervisory, technical, skilled, and unskilled labor. This comprehensive approach ensures that employers can find the right talent to support their projects and programs effectively.


TRANSNATIONAL SERVICES, INC. stands out as a duly licensed recruitment agency that is dedicated to meeting the global exigency for quality labor. With its extensive pool of manpower reserve, rigorous selection processes, comprehensive support services, and commitment to doing recruitment right, TSI has positioned itself as a trusted partner for employers and workers. By continuously delivering assessed and auspicious services, TSI ensures that the demands of clients and the industry as a whole are met with excellence.
